Discover your true north
& become the driver of your career.

I coach engineers & managers on developing a driver mindset to overcome challenges & ambiguity in their career growth.

With a career spanning over 15 years, ramping up from a software intern to Chief Technology Officer, I have gained the experience of running large organizations and absorbed the best of both east & the west coast. I’ve coached many individuals from top investment banks and tech companies in Silicon Valley, New York and India. I derive joy from paying forward, helping you find a growth path that puts you in the driver seat of your career.

“If you are always trying to be normal, then you will never know how amazing you can be.”

—Maya Angelou

Book a session

If you are here exploring coaching as a tool, you have already taken your first step to take control of your career. And if you are still unsure where to begin, I'd love to spend sometime getting to know you, your job and discuss current challenges. Let’s meet to see if I can be helpful.

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